Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Black Sabbath Tops the Charts Again (!)

(A not joke piece for a change.)

Hey, Black Sabbath, perhaps my first love in music, has topped the American charts again, reportedly knocking Queens of the Stone Ago off the #1 position of the Billboard 200 album chart. Well, nobody likes getting beaten I'm sure, but I'd be willing to bet any band with any hardness whatsoever would feel honored to be knocked off the top spot by Black Sabbath. Hardly any hard music would exist without them, at least not in its current form.

Someone I know commented that it's funny to see this story in the Christian Science Monitor, but I would point out that Black Sabbath was a fire & brimstone preacher band before they were a Satan band: people misunderstood their early message, so they changed to please fans who didn't get it. I think I remember one of them saying in some documentary years ago something like: "Hey, if that's what the people want, we'll give it to them."

Here's the blasted old story:


And here's one from NBC (Netherworld Beelzebub Cacophony) News:
