Thursday, June 13, 2013

Terrorist Detainees on Indian Game Shows?

The other night I watched Slumdog Millionaire again, and in this movie, the eponymous character of the title is tortured by the police for information about whether or not he cheated to win the game show. Well, this reminded me of the "enhanced interrogations" our CIA carried out with terrorism suspects during the previous administration, and this gave me an idea.

Hey, why don't we let terrorist detainees go on game shows in India? Then maybe the cops there could use enhanced interrogation methods to ask them about all the stuff we want to know while pretending it's all just about finding out if they cheated to get the answers. Then we'd get our intelligence, and the terrorist detainees could win fabulous prizes as well. Plus, our government could confiscate the stuff they win, and use it to help pay down the national debt, while the terrorists get extradited back to the United States and thrown back in Gitmo indefinitely.

It's just a thought.