Saturday, June 22, 2013

Queer Fear Factor

On Real Time with Bill Maher last night, Bill referenced the fact that one of those "gay conversion therapy" groups finally just admitted that they were wrong, that the treatment doesn't work, and that they're closing their facility. And that reminded me of this comedy piece I had written a while ago called Queer Fear Factor, which was a (joke) reality show (which might really be a popular and fun show) like Fear Factor, but specifically placing anti-gay rights people who suffer from homosexual panic right smack-dab in the middle of gay situations, and delight in their discomfort. And the hope was that this (joke) show would make people laugh at these anti-gay people, and hopefully maybe change some minds so that people opposed to gay rights would just see them as they are, fellow Americans and fellow human beings, and stop the hate and accept them for who they are and how they were born. So here's the show promo:

It's Queer Fear Factor, the show that's just like Fear Factor, but for people who are scared of homosexuality! Yes, imagine all of the biggest anti-gay people being forced to be the ring-bearer at a gay wedding, or being stuck in the middle of a leather bar. There's no way they can get out of it, and we've got close-up cameras at every imaginable eye-line to catch every bit of their desperate, pitiful revulsion for maximum schadenfreude! Maybe this experience will lead them to accept gay people as part of God's creation, and maybe they'll go insane and throw up or just let themselves go and join in the action: you never know what will happen, but whatever it is, we can all ogle it and gloat over it! The guests of the show are told they will be participating in a gay-conversion therapy course, helping gay people "recover", but what they really find is quite different indeed! That's Queer Fear Factor, coming soon to MTV & Bravo! (Our pilot show includes members of the Westboro Baptist Church, so remember to set those DVRs!)

(BTW: I really hope this doesn't offend anyone, as it's certainly not intended to.)