Saturday, June 29, 2013

Salt of the Earth

I heard someone on TV say of an actor who recently died that they were "the salt of the Earth". Oh, but isn't salt bad for us? And isn't there an agenda to limit salt and to demonize salt? So then, isn't calling someone salt a slanderous insult? Wow, what a vicious smear, to refer to someone as being evil salt when they're not even alive anymore to defend themselves! The person who said that must be a cad indeed.

But you know, the person of whom they were speaking died of a presumed heart attack, and so maybe they were working that salt of the Earth comment in there to suggest the idea that salt was to blame for the death through the use of the complimentary terminology selected to eulogize said deceased person? Well, I wouldn't put it past these health food propagandists to inject salt in the wound and into the conversation in such a way as to subliminally make people suspicious and terrified of salt by causing a subconscious connection between salt and death: a-ha, their plan is clear now! (I am, of course, joking here, I hope everyone understands...)

(Actually, it is a little-known fact that salt can be used as a protection against evil*, and it is my belief that the people who are trying to ban salt are only doing so in order that we will be powerless to combat their evil plans later on. Okay, maybe not, but they're still jerks, because salt is really yummy, especially on all of the bland food like tofu and stuff we're supposed to be eating according to the health bullies.)

* Ask any white magician. White magician, as in like opposed to a black magician, as in a Satanist or whatnot, not like a magician who is a white person, like Doug Henning or whatever, for mere illusionists know not of the wondrous powers of good possessed by salt, because they're just fakes who don't know how to do real magick like Harry Potter and (allegedly) Aleister Crowley! (I am, of course, only kidding about illusionists: the good ones are very entertaining, and it's really quite amazing what some of them come up with and stuff. But it's not "real" magick, and they didn't even make a deal with the devil or anything for special magical powers, which is really boring of them not to have done, and certainly nobody's going to bother to write a black metal concept album about anyone like Doug Henning or David Copperfield. {I'm just trying to see if I can trick any bands into doing a concept album about one of these guys, because I've always wanted to hear what it might sound like. I wonder, might it have lyrics something like: "He practiced his prestidigitation meticulously, and he didn't try to sacrifice anyone to Satan or anything, and in fact Satan was not even tangentially involved whatsoever, la la la la." [Grind, Grind, Grind!]?})