Sunday, June 30, 2013

Citi Simplicity Card "Rough Day" Ad

Poor Erica: She had a rough day. She got a parking ticket and she didn't pay her credit card bill on time. Oh, but good thing she has the Citi Simplicity Card, which doesn't charge you if you miss a payment on your credit card. But it still might charge you a fee even when you pay on time, like Citi did to me about 12 years ago: I paid on time, but they charged me a late fee the day after they cashed my check anyway, and when I called to get the charge removed, they refused to take it off even though it was an obviously fraudulent charge, so I canceled my Citi card and got another credit card that I use instead, and they haven't earned any more money off of me since then. And it's their own fault, too.

Now where was I again? Oh, that's right: the card doesn't charge you a fee if you don't pay your bill on time. (But it is Citi, so you never know.) Oh, but without all of these exorbitant fees to nickel and dime us with, won't all the banks fail again and require another huge government bailout, further wrecking our severely hobbled economy? Oh, well: I guess it's time to keep your cash in your mattress again.

And here in this spot, we see Erica beating up some poor punching bag that never did anything to her (bully) in expectation of the day that perhaps Citi will charge her a big fee in spite of their advertising promises, and she'll have to go open a can of whoop-ass on them, and close her account like I did: