Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Congress Swears Revenge for Supreme Court DOMA Overturn

People like me are very happy today that the Supreme Court of the United States finally declared the Defense of Marriage Act, a law written to deprive gay Americans of equal rights under the law with regard to marriage, unconstitutional, finally granting everyone equal protection under marriage laws; but Congress is irate and vindictive, threatening revenge.

"You may think you've won today, equal rights, but we'll get you! Enjoy your victory today, because pretty soon, we'll secretly slip some provision into necessary legislation everyone will support which will strip another group of equal rights under the law, and by the time that one makes it up to the Supreme Court to get struck down, we'll slip in another, and another, and another equal-rights-denying provision into law! You can't stop us: Mwa ha ha! You only think you've won, for now! When you least expect it: expect it! You'll get yours, freedom and equality, and you won't see it coming, either! You'll rue the day you messed with us, equal rights! Mark my words: Your days are numbered!", ranted an unnamed Congressman Wednesday, moments after the Court's decision was announced.

Well, I guess it's only a matter of time before we find out if and how members of Congress will make good on their promised equal-rights-denying legislation threats, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.