Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Go Big or Go Hungry

I just got a piece of junk mail/coupons offering great savings from Jack in the Box with the slogan: "Go Big or Go Hungry" written at the top. Doesn't this sound like it means that you'll either get fat or you'll be hungry? I'll bet this slogan will resonate with dieters, huh? We know this dichotomy well.

But, um, are these the only choices available to us anymore: obesity or starvation? Some times it seems like it. And, hmm, for a fast-food restaurant chain, you'd think they'd want to avoid anything in their advertising that suggests the issue of obesity. But you know, Jack has a non-functional mouth, so he can't even eat, never mind get fat from, his own company's food. So maybe he doesn't even know it's fattening. (Or at least he could have plausible deniability.)

Here's the Jack in the Box homepage (They currently have this campaign's slogan/logo I'm referring to featured):
