Monday, June 6, 2011

Abortion Billboard

Okay, this guy has gone too far! See?:

Now, I’m not talking about law or anything, but he’s given vindictive ex-girlfriends a lot of new ideas! He took out a billboard ad saying that his ex killed his fetus. (I heard it only happened because he had premature ejaculation anyway!) But now women dumped by men can take out billboards that say their ex’s have a small penis, are lame in bed, etc. It’s just a matter of time, I’m warning you!

So Supreme Court, when this case gets to your docket, remember that if you decide it’s free speech, all your old exes now have the right to deride you on billboards all over the country! I know one justice who may have reason to fear, but what about the others? Surely they aren’t all goody-goodys, right? (Perhaps they’re all baddie-goodies!)