Thursday, June 30, 2011

Miracle Whip Jersey Shore Ad

Oh my God! An anti-spokesman! Has it ever been done before? I don’t know! (Yes, it has, actually: remember the “I hate Qantas” ads*? I just wanted to say that…)

So this ad has a guy from Jersey Shore (the TV show) on, saying that he hates Miracle Whip, and that if a girl liked it, he wouldn’t want to go out with her! (<Talk about a miracle!) So they are banking on us hating this guy enough to want to buy and eat Miracle Whip just because he hates it! Amazing! Are they that desperate? I wonder if it will work?

Now, the ad guys for Miracle Whip have laid eggs and shot themselves in the foot before. Remember their feud with Stephen Colbert where he kicked their ass with a hilarious trashing of their ad, plus did them one better with one for Mayo? Whenever you see a guy make his Mohawk stand up with mayonnaise, you are dealing with the ne plus ultra of satire! Oh, and they destroyed that Miracle Whip campaign! Seriously, it hurt to watch that whole thing play out, for the ad guy in me. It was just embarrassing! So who knows if this will help sell Miracle Whip, or if it will just get them made fun of again. Oh well, I guess no publicity is bad publicity, as they sometimes say. But it can make people not buy something, I’ll bet.

I guess only time will tell if Americans hate the Jersey Shore guys enough to buy Miracle Whip. I used to like Miracle Whip okay as a child, but I really prefer mayonnaise. Plus, if they’re paying a guy from Jersey Shore and making me have to look at him more often, in addition to making him more rich and famous than he already is for being a stupid douche-bag, then I already resent their product, so I’m going to make a point of not buying it from now on! But the idea of an anti-spokesman like this is kinda funny: I’ll give them that much.

So here’s the ad, if you’d care to see it; but I warn you, some guy from Jersey Shore is in it:

* And here is an example of one of the old Koala “I hate Qantas” ads: