Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stephen Colbert: Pac-Man

So last night, Stephen Colbert did another piece on his continued attempts to have a real political life through a political action committee (or a PAC). Now, I realized last night that I must be pretty thick, or else I give credit too easily. Why? Because I just realized that through his jokes and stuff (this may never have been the intent, but let’s just say it is anyway. And maybe it was all along! Hey, you never know.), Colbert has given the country its first real class on the rules and regulations of how political action committees operate. Has CNN ever done this? Has anyone else? Not that I’ve seen.

I guess it’s all online somewhere if you don’t mind being followed by government spybots afterwards. Oh, and if you speak Legalese. But in doing this silly attempt to run his own political campaign, and then getting slapped down again and again, Stephen Colbert, in his dogged self-determination to have his comedy bit, has actually exposed the inner-workings of the whole system! I think, honestly, by the time we get through finding out all this arcane information on how corrupt the whole system is, the election committee is going to wish they had allowed Colbert to have his joke candidacy.

It may not have started out this way intentionally, but in refusing to be beaten by the system, Colbert has revealed to us all how ridiculous the whole system is just by virtue of not giving up, and sharing it with all of us. I think they didn’t want to let him run a fake campaign because it might make them look silly. But now they look a lot worse than silly, and it’s their own fault! The more they deny him, the more we find out about how corrupt this whole system is. Keep it up guys! We’ll know all your dirty secrets soon, just because you don’t like comedy. And then maybe you’ll find out that it’s better to be laughed at than to be perceived as aiding and abetting political corruption.