So, the Supreme Court obviously wants all of our children to become violent murderers and kill us all! Otherwise, they wouldn’t have ruled to strike down a ban on sales of extremely violent video games to kids. What’s next, allowing tweens to see R-rated movies? That’s just horribly, um, wait… Actually, the movie theaters at the mall used to let me see all the R-rated movies when I was 13, and look how I turned out! Er, that is to say, um… We’re doomed! Run!
But actually, now that I think about it, perhaps permitting/enticing/programming these kids to play all of these graphically and brutally violent video games will make sure we've always got plenty of blood-thirsty violence-addicted youngsters to fill up our all-volunteer army for all of our nation's endless quagmire wars, so perhaps that's more the reason behind the Supreme Court's "free-speech-related" decision. But who knows...