Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Scion Zeus “High-Voltage tC” Ad

I like it! Zeus takes the standard model of the car, says: “See this Scion tC? BLAM!”, throws a thunderbolt at it, and it turns into a gold one stocked with all the special features! (It’s called a “High-Voltage tC”.) Awesome! (<Like he said: he's the "God of Awesome"!) They should totally have a promotion where if you wear a toga and a fake beard to the dealership and loudly say: “Zeusify it!” you get the primo, fully stocked gold version for the price of the regular base model! (Or maybe they give you $2,200 off the price, since I read they are only making 2,200 of this limited edition version of the Scion tC.) That would be great for spontaneously-shot cell-phone video uploads to YouTube! They would probably go viral, too, I’ll bet. And that’s free advertising, especially directed at the youth market! (And that’s obviously the market they’re aiming for with this campaign, too!) I’d wager it would completely pay for itself through additional sales generated from the buzz created by the web videos. So it would be perfect! (Kind of like this ad is. And this whole "High-Voltage" promotion. No, really: this is really fun!)

The only criticism of this spot I have is when Zeus says: “It’s just been auto-tuned!” (and then his voice is auto-tuned). Look, I know that auto-tuning is very popular, but it’s also really lame and has totally “jumped the shark”! So I doubt very much that Zeus would be doing that when he could be busy morphing himself into some kind of rain of gold* (is that myth some kind of early reference to the fetish for “golden showers” or something? I was always a little bit unclear on that. But the Greeks were into all kinds of debauchery, so that would be no surprise) so he could bang a hot starlet or something. But this is an ad, and I guess it’s not really Zeus, and they are aiming for the youth market, and young people do like that auto-tuned crap. Plus, the term “tuning” relates especially well to automobiles, what with tuning the engines and such. So I’ll let it slide this time… (<I’m just kidding. That is an editorial comment I made because I don’t like auto-tuning; but the market they want does like it, so I approve absolutely with its use in this ad. {<As if that makes any difference!}) But I think he should have said: “It’s Zeusified!” rather than: “It’s just been auto-tuned!

Here’s the super-fun, wonderful spot!:

And here’s the Scion website with a fun play on this campaign:

* BTW: That myth where Zeus turns himself into a shower of gold to “get down on it” with Danaë could also be a great commercial for Goldline, where a guy buys gold from Goldline, and then gold rains upon the Goldline customer, who then has the woman of his dreams jump on him passionately (since he is now rich). And maybe Zeus is the guy who he talks to at Goldline, which is why it immediately begins raining gold on him when he buys it. (I just hope it’s not all molten like what happened to that blonde guy who “got his crown” from the Dothraki in Game of Thrones, because that might hurt.)

Also: Here is a link to a brief description of the story of Zeus and Danaë, for those of you who don’t know, or have forgotten it: