Sunday, June 19, 2011

Vancouver Riots

Man, Canadians can’t do anything right! You’re only supposed to riot and destroy your own city when you win sports championships, not when you lose! (Losers!) That’s why Canada will never be #1 like America is! (But I like that they’re trying to copy America, even if they can’t do it correctly: it's like they're willingly admitting that we're #1!)

For those of you who don’t know (or care), Vancouver erupted into violent, destructive rioting after they lost the final game of the Hockey World Series (or whatever the hell it’s called) to the Boston Bruins 4-0. (Nyah, nyah. Revenge at last for the Olympics!) Hey, friend, how’s that taste, eh?* (<In a Canadian accent, please.) Here’s the story, full of graphic images and violent video, for those of you who don’t believe me:

* (I am only joking, so please don’t come after me, all you famously-violent Canadians! And I hope I’m still allowed to wear a Canadian flag on my backpack when I travel around Europe, so everyone will like me.)