Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cain Solutions Chicken Farm Ad

Wow! That’s the best ad I’ve ever seen! I don’t know if it sells its idea, or whatever it’s supposed to do, but it’s like a really short version of one of those “nature strikes back!” horror movies from the 1970s, and for that, it should win some kind of nostalgia award!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Some ads are so awesome, it shouldn’t even matter if they work; they should just be appreciated as the cultural entertainment that they are, and that’s definitely the case for this campaign, and particularly for this ad! My hair’s off to these guys! (I mean, hat! My hat! Or maybe, under the circumstances, it should be my head that’s off! And then my body would still run around singing the praises for this silly spot!)

And here it is, the commercial that brings back the gorehound animal-revenge movies of our youth! (It’s called “Chicken” already, so the horror movie that rips this off will have to be called something else, like perhaps: “B’kawk!”, or “Peckers!”):

And after this, they should have a commercial where rats come out of the walls and then corner and devour Herman Cain, and then they say: “The vermin came for Herman Cain!”, and then they try to make the ravenous rats into a metaphor for something. Oh, I know: maybe they should have done that for when all the women were “coming out of the woodwork” accusing him of having affairs with them, and it ate away all of his support and ended his presidential campaign. Oh, but I guess it’s too late to do that one now. Oh, well. Plus, he’d probably get in trouble for suggesting the ladies were “dirty rats” (as in, the James Cagney-impression line: “You dirty rat, you killed my brother!”, or in this case, perhaps: “You dirty rats, you killed my campaign!”). (And BTW, I’m not calling those ladies “dirty rats”: Herman Cain is, in my imagination.)