Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poor Partying Pippa’s Parisian Pistol Ploy Problem

Hey Pippa: Did you think you could just go live your life and stuff? No way! Your sister married a handsome prince, so you belong to us now! Mwa ha ha! Or at least, that’s what it seems like…

You can’t just live your life! From now on, every little teensy perceived slight you “commit” shall be nailed to the wall as an example for all the world, if only to sell newspapers (since they’ve got to distract from the phone-hacking scandal, you know!).

So please remember all children (and jealous adults) are living vicariously through you now, and that means you’re not allowed to do anything anymore, especially if it’s fun. Don’t blame me; blame your sister: It’s her fault!

Here’s the princess blooper: