One of my favorite bands of all time is The Misfits. They’re so great! Glenn Danzig’s songs will live forever with “Monster Kids” everywhere! So anyway, I was listening to The Misfits again for the first time in a little while, and I heard their song “I Turned Into A Martian”. Well, this song says that the person singing the song turned into a Martian and couldn’t even remember his name, and that at times, he “could hardly sleep at night”, etc. So after hearing this, with my silly advertising-on-the-brain, I couldn’t help but say: “Hey! Have you turned into a Martian? Can you hardly sleep at night? Then try Lunesta: Martian or Earthling, it’s got what you need for a good night’s sleep, so you can be well-rested enough to conquer planets and infiltrate governments and stuff! That’s Lunesta: Ask for it by name!” And then they could say: “Fall asleep fast on the wings (or in the flying saucers) of Lunesta!”
Here’s the song (Can you imagine it as an ad for Lunesta?):