Thursday, April 12, 2012

North Korea’s Taepodong Can’t Get It Up

I’m afraid North Korea’s rocket launch has been a failure: Supposedly, it went part of the way up, and then it collapsed. Maybe it’s time to start their secret “Codename Viagra” missile program! Or maybe it should be “Codename Cialis”, so they could make them go up “anytime the moment is right”!

Here’s the story of their deflated hopes:

Okay, now everyone on CNN is talking about what the United States response to this ought to be: Sanctions haven’t worked, blah, blah... Hey: I have an idea! We’ve got all these great nuclear missiles, and we never get to nuke anyone with them, right? Well, how about this?: Just to send a message, why don’t we replace the nuclear payload of one of our nuclear missiles with shiny confetti, and launch it over to North Korea? Then we could tell them that they’ve always wanted a functional nuclear missile, so we thought we’d send them one. So then they’d all scurry underground to hide, and it would just end up raining sparkles all over them. What a joke! And all the world would laugh, except for North Korea, who might actually finally get the message that the rest of the world can easily destroy them if it wanted to, so why not just play nice?