Saturday, April 28, 2012

Volvo Red Riding Hood Ad

Okay, here we have a red Volvo driving through the spooky woods at night. And then the driver’s grandmother is standing on the side of the road out in the cold, so he pulls over and lets her in, but it’s the big bag wolf in disguise, and the wolf eats him and lives happily ever after with this sweet, sweet ride. Oh, wait; that’s not what happens. Um, actually, this guy uses his car to bully and intimidate a poor cute and fuzzy wolf (who is also hungry like the wolf, so it’s extra mean!) that has accidentally strayed into the road. Oh, but fortunately PeTA sees this and they slash the guy’s tires so he has to walk, and then that wolf goes to get his big brothers, and they catch up with this guy who is no longer so big and tough without his car to push wolves around with, and so they all eat him, and all is well with the world thereafter! (Yay!)

Oh, but his daughter is stranded in the car now! (Yikes!) But never fear, for the wolves raise her as one of their own, and she grows up to be a sexy werewolf warrior who keeps the world safe from vampires! And all thanks to Volvo: the car you’ve always been hungry like the wolf for! (You get a free bottle of Lycan liqueur with every purchase! {Please drink responsibly!} <This is a call-back to my recent post on the Captain Morgan Black secret passage ad, where I propose creating a brand of Liquor called Lycan, etc.)

Okay, that doesn’t happen either. The truth is, this guy’s daughter is apparently Little Red Riding Hood, and he’s just driving her to her grandmother’s house so she won’t be attacked by wolves in the forest. But because he pushed that wolf around with his car, rather than just handing over his daughter, this wolf is mad now, and this inspires him to sneak over to the grandmother’s house, get rid of her, and dress up in the grandmother’s clothes, and all so he can eat that girl once she arrives, and get revenge on her father. (And this is the true origin of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale.) Oh, if only that Volvo was a faster car! But, oh, they only care about safety! (But only safety inside the car: once you get out of the car, they couldn’t care less if you die horribly! And you will: YOU WILL!!) And the safety features make the car heavier and slower, and so the wolf beats the Volvo to grandma’s house, and Little Red Riding Hood gets dropped off, and the wolf eats her. (Oh, the humanity!)

It’s funny, because when I first saw this ad, I thought the wolf was going to turn out to be a werewolf, and the driver was going to be one too, and this would be another European car commercial trying to cash in on the current vampire/werewolf craze (like Audi did with their vampire-burning headlights ad). But at least Little Red Riding Hood was in it, so it was kinda fun after all. (But I still thought the events following this ad’s scenario would be the father dropping off Little Red Riding Hood at Grandma’s house, and then Grandma turns out to be the wolf, so he eats her. Except that this little girl can howl like a wolf, so maybe she’s already a werewolf, and she’ll eat the wolf. Oh, but then PeTA would attack her for cruelty to animals. Except that she’s part cute, furry wolf, too. Oh, well: maybe werewolves are allowed to kill wolves because they’re part wolf, and only humans aren’t allowed to do anything except get killed by animals. Or maybe she’d kill PeTA too because she’s a werewolf with a bloodlust to match her red riding hood, and that’s why she has a red riding hood to begin with: to camouflage all the blood she spills all over herself all the time when she’s killing indiscriminately in her lupine form. Or maybe PeTA is all a bunch of werewolves already, and that’s why they fight for animal rights: so nobody will hurt them when they’re in their lupine form. Oh, I don’t know.)

BTW: This car is bright red, and that’s because this guy likes speeding through the forest all the time to see what kind of animals he can hit and kill with his car (and even people, too!), and the red paint job is to hide all the blood he gets on the car when he hits things with it. And that’s why the wolf was angry and scared of the car: it recognizes this car as the one that killed his brother Wolfgang. (Or maybe it even killed his whole wolf gang!)

Here’s Little Red Riding Hood’s little red ride: