Here we have a totally cute young woman talking to herself
inside her head, except that everyone can hear her, so she must be telekinetic
or something, like Carrie. So the crazy
voice inside her head convinces her to go get a smartphone because the universe
likes her outfit, or something, and she falls for it. Um, I mean, she jumps at
this great opportunity!
But when she finds out her monthly bills are all over $100 apiece, will she lash out at everyone in a violent blood-reckoning, and call
Galactus to destroy the universe in revenge for tricking her into getting this
phone? Maybe we can find out, in the next exciting episode of: Lisa, Smartphone
Psychic! (<Please provide a booming echo-y voice for this fake TV-show title, like that of SNL’s Don Pardo.)
Here’s the silly spot:
BTW: This is Galactus, if you didn’t know:
And this proves he’s real (and it also ties up nicely with
the Chick Publications reference I made in my post: “Preg, Nancy” yesterday):