Saturday, April 7, 2012

Compound W W: Cures Worry Warts Fast!

Are you or someone you love a worry wart? Does that worry seep into everyday activities and ruin them with stress and nagging and unnecessary wringing of hands? If this sounds like your life, then try new Compound W W: the medication that cures worry warts fast! (Compound W W = Compound Worry Wart! And I know that most bona fide worry warts would probably say that this product will compound their worries, rather than assuage them; but such is not the case: guaranteed!) Simply take some of the Compound W W, rub it on the worry wart, and within minutes, that worry wart will calm down and act normal for the duration of whatever activity you're engaged in, whether it's a dinner party or a wedding! So hurry: call now! (Compound W W is not sold in stores, so order yours today!)