Thursday, June 7, 2012

Corona Christmas Tree Ad

I know this is a bit of a non-sequitur in June, but I was just reminded of the Corona Christmas Tree ad from seeing another Corona ad. This Christmas Tree ad is really great; it’s one of the all time greats, really, for television advertising, I think. So what happens is, there is a night shot of a row of palm trees overlooking the water, and then one of them lights up with Christmas lights. It’s really charming! Of course, liberals will hate it because they hate religion being crammed down our throats in beer advertising all the time, and conservatives will hate it for smearing Christmas as an alcoholic carnival (<I am, of course, joking about the political stuff here), but I still think it’s great!

It makes me think of another great Christmas-themed alcoholic-beverage ad, this time a billboard ad I used to see in New York City in the 1990s, for J&B Scotch. The ad showed the words: “ingle ells, ingle ells”, and then it said: “The holidays aren’t the same without J&B!” (Or something close to that.) I’ve always loved that fun and clever ad. But it might bring back some awful memories for people with alcoholic parents during Christmastime. (Or perhaps it’s an invitation to being the source of such awful memories for children of your own someday!)

Here’s the Corona Christmas Tree Ad:

And here’s the magazine print ad version of that J&B “ingle ells” ad: