Tuesday, June 5, 2012

La Gauche et La Droite

As we all know, there is a word in English, "gauche", which means: "lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward." (Source: The dictionary in my computer's dashboard.) But seeing as how this word originates from the French word, "la gauche", meaning "the left", and seeing as how France has just elected a new left-leaning Socialist government, will they now seek to change this English-language term to "droite" (from "la droite", meaning: "the right")? Surely no Socialist could possibly countenance such a slur against his/her political leanings as the English word "gauche" represents, right? I mean, uh, "correct"?

Perhaps this is the real reason France has decided to pull their troops out of Afghanistan: to punish the United States for slandering their political philosophy with our vulgar (or gauche, actually) use of the French word that's indicative of their (current) political leanings. And if that's the case, then I say it's time to bring back "freedom fries", "freedom toast", "freedom kissing", etc.: that'll show 'em! (Unless President Obama mandates a word change here to reverse this stigmatized use of the word meaning "left" in French: perhaps this could smooth things over with France at last! Oh, but I guess if he did that, it would simply serve to prove to everyone on the right that he's indeed a Socialist! Except that they already think he is anyway, so I guess he might as well just do it if he wants to: what's the difference?)