Saturday, June 23, 2012

Secret Service Heckle Hounds

There has been a rash of heckling incidents lately during political speeches given by President Obama, Mitt Romney, and both of their minions. This has generated the usual slanted false outrage from political pundits on the TV box, claiming it’s only not fair for it to happen to their guy, and that it’s reprehensible not to forbid it (if it’s happening to them), while it’s a violation of Constitutional rights to not allow it (if it’s happening to the other camp). But this phenomenon can be very tiring for the people who actually want to hear these speeches. (Surely there must be someone who wants to hear them, right? I mean, I don’t anymore: I’m sick to death of this already, and I know all their positions already, so it’s pure spin from here on in to me. But surely there must be somebody who wants to hear this drivel, right? I mean, aside from news people who have to cover and spin it, that is.) So I think I may have a solution!

Why not have the Secret Service train a team of anti-heckling dogs? These dogs could be trained to find, hone in on, and stop hecklers during political speeches. Here’s how it would work: They would get the drooliest, slobberiest blood hounds, and train them to find hecklers during campaign speeches and rallies, and then these canine constables would run over, jump up on the heckler, and drool on and lick their faces (and the insides of their mouths if they’re shouting) until they stopped heckling and ran away. And this would be completely humane to both the dogs and to the hecklers!

(Or if they discourage/ban heckling, will nobody show up for the speeches anymore? Maybe all the public wants now is to voice their frustration and outrage at whoever happens to show up, and they don’t even care who it is anymore, or what kind of claptrap/balderdash they’ve come to spout. That is absolutely possible, you know.)

Here’s a news story about the heckling: