Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama's Age Discrimination Policy?

Every time the Republicans want to reform Medicare, or Social Security, or anything like that, all the Democrats and their pundits say Republicans hate old people and want to kill them, etc. And now President Obama has finally gifted Republicans with the perfect opportunity to do the same thing back to a Democrat: He's given an executive order which gives benefits for illegal immigrants that meet specific criteria, so long as they are 30 years-old or younger. So what, does President Obama hate old people? Oh, my God, he does! He must, to do this! I knew it! He is no different than the Republicans, just like Nader said!

So basically, President Obama's new policy says it's fine to discriminate against foreigners in the country illegally, so long as they're elderly. Why, it's simply shocking! This is as clear a case of age-discrimination as I've ever seen! Oh, for shame! (<This is what Republican pundits could say on the news and so forth. Unless they've already beaten me to this, and they're already doing it. If they're not already beating this point to death, they should fire their strategists and hire me, because I can think up more bogus smears than anyone they've currently got. But I'd only agree to do this for them if I was allowed to do it for the Democrats too. After all, fair is fair, and there's plenty of false outrage out there to generate, so it would be a waste not to proliferate as much as possible; and in this economy, we can't afford to waste anything, especially false outrage, bogus smears, and red-faced pundits on TV!)

(I'm kidding. But wouldn't it be fun to see the Republicans use the same smear back? They're beginning to take pages out of the Democratic playbook, so why not this too?)