Friday, June 15, 2012

Euro 2012 American (Joke) Ad

The Euro 2012 soccer tournament is going on now, and to attract more American interest, I was thinking that maybe they could try to think of a way to advertise it in such a way that it might tie in to something Americans are familiar with, based upon where the tournament is being played. Well, it's being hosted by the combined countries of Poland and Ukraine. So, for Poland, maybe they could show Marlon Brando as Stanley Kowalski from A Streetcar Named Desire, yelling: "Soccer!", instead of: "Stella!" (<This character is of Polish descent in the movie.) And, of course, most Americans know about Ukraine because of the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, so perhaps for Ukraine they could show a glowing soccer ball rolling out of a nuclear power plant cooling tower. Then, surely, this would attract Americans' attention, and we'd all be on the edge of our seats, soaking in all the thrilling soccer action! (I'm actually watching it right now! But not because of any ads or promos, sadly.)

This is Stanley Kowalski, for those of you who are not familiar with him and his special brand/display of personality: