Sunday, June 17, 2012

Heil-o Kitty: Cats That Look Like Hitler Merchandise?

There’s a website with lots of silly pictures of cats that look like Hitler (the aptly-named “”), and their home page says “Seig Miaow” in the web address. Now I don’t know if they sell stuff, as in merchandise, but if they wanted to, couldn’t they sell stuff under the brand name of “Heil-o Kitty”? Maybe they could co-brand it with Hello Kitty (or else just rip it off as a parodic pastiche), and have that company’s logo character dressed up like Hitler, with the raised arm salute thing, and write: “Heil-o Kitty” under it. It might even sell (especially on Stormfront, or whatever that neo-Nazi Internet site is called: In fact, maybe the government could set this merchandise service up as a way to track neo-Nazis who buy this stuff for their kids)! And maybe it would be somehow inappropriately appropriate for a cutesy kids' brand bent on world domination like Hello Kitty to be lampooned in this way.

Oh, by the way: Cats That Look Like Hitler has a page where the angry messages from people who hate their website are displayed with pride. (Maybe they wrote them themselves?) And they all seem to have this in common: they think it’s inappropriate to associate cats with Nazism. So then I guess they’ve never read Art Spiegelman’s Maus. (Hitler is a cat in that book.)

Here’s this crime against felinity:

And here is Wikipedia’s page on Art Spiegelman’s Maus (See? Cats really are like Hitler!):

Oh, and here’s Hello Kitty, for those of you from outer space, or wherever you’d have to be from to not be familiar with this brand (For “Heil-o Kitty”, simply replace the red bow with swept bangs of hair, put a Hitler mustache under the nose, and give it a Nazi uniform. Oh, and it’s supposed to be the other arm for the Nazi salute, I think, so fix that too, I guess.):