Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Slasher Movie Killer Baby Names

We all know that there are a number of slasher movie characters with rather normal-sounding names (for example: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, etc.), right? And for expectant or newly-blassed parents with these last names, is there perhaps a temptation to name their children after these characters? After all, it's a dog-eat-dog, or perhaps even more appropriately, a back-stabbing world out there; maybe such a name would give these kids the edge, so to speak. Or maybe they'd just like to casually suggest a certain line of work or goal to their child through their given name, but still have plausible deniability if it ended up happening (in which case, don't ask for large Psycho-esque kitchen knives as baby shower gifts!). After all, select kids occasionally have been named (advisably or not) after heroes of the parents who coincidentally have the same last name, generally without effective results; although occasionally it inspires them to a similar field as the namesake, and very rarely perhaps even greatness in said field (please don't ask for an example, as I'm busy writing right now). And for the parents of today, surely some of them love slasher movies, right? So we're bound to see some eventually, unless they are already lots and lots of them. (Can you imagine the conversation the kid has with their parents once they realize the connection?)