Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Montefiore Medical Center Ad

In New York City, there's a hospital called Montefiore Medical Center, and they've got an ad running on NYC television that uses all kinds of verbal metaphors built around the idea of standing with or standing for things. But almost all the people in the ad, and especially the hospital staff, are sitting down (!). It's almost silly! And even worse, it's hard to believe nobody caught this in the approval process for this ad. Oh, well.

But Montefiore is a good hospital. And this is a good ad for them, except for in this silly aspect of the announcer lady saying they stand with, stand for, etc., while almost everyone is sitting. (I know it's a metaphor, but still: it's contradictory imagery from the key word they're using, so that should be avoided.) For people like me who notice this stuff, it makes it look like the opposite of what the announcer says must be true. (But that's not true, because Montefiore is a good hospital, from what I understand.)

Here's the silly sitting spot:
