Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bush’s Baked Beans Secret Family Recipe Duke Ads

A few years ago, Bush’s Baked Beans ran an ad campaign about Duke, the company owner’s dog, who was always trying to figure out how to steal and sell the secret family recipe for Bush’s beans to some competing company. Now, normally this would be a direct violation of the canine loyalty oath agreement signed between dog and owner, and it really appears to be a scathing indictment of doggie disloyalty, as well as a shocking exposé of canine corruption and criminally conspiratorial conduct. I initially thought these ads must have been made by cats in an attempt to discredit the famous loyalty generally accredited to “man’s (alleged) best friend”. Oh, but there is another, more shocking reason for this gross betrayal of trust by this Golden Retriever of secret recipes.

Yes, the truth is that Duke Bush, the devoted dog of the Bush’s Baked Beans business owner, did not really want to betray his owner, but as a dog, his sense of smell is so keen and perceptive, and baked beans cause such uncontrolled flatulence, that poor Duke was being continually assaulted with stinky baked bean farts, truly a fate worse than death for someone with canine aromatic sensitivity. It’s true that dogs generally enjoy the bouquet of excrement, but that’s doggie doo doo, not human baked bean butt breath. Yes, this was surely torture for our hairy hero, and most certainly he was driven to this shameful and uncharacteristically dishonest and conspiratorial behavior out of pure abject desperation due to the stinky scent assaults he was constantly subjected to. What else could he do? He simply thought that by selling the secret recipe to another food company, perhaps he could initiate the collapse of the Bush’s Baked Beans empire, and somehow subsequently he could be relieved of the endless exposure to the nauseating stench from baked bean bottom burps being belched forth day and night.

Unfortunately for him, he was caught and prevented from succeeding in his desperate enterprise. But it’s just as well, because little did Duke know, but had he bankrupted his owner, he would have had no money left, and they’d both have to subsist on nothing but leftover Bush’s Baked Beans morning, noon and night for the rest of his life; and then he would have had to eat them as well!

(But bottom burps or not, I love Bush’s Baked Beans: they’re the bestest tasting baked beans you can buy! Yum, yummy!)

Here are Duke’s dastardly deeds exposed:

Hey, do you suppose these ads used a Golden Retriever because of the inherent symbolism in the name of the breed, seeing as how he would earn gold for retrieving secret recipe documents? Or perhaps Duke was simply trying to live up to the name of his breed by earning gold through retrieving of secret recipes? Well, if there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s this: if you want a fur-bearing critter as a pet, and you have a secret recipe to protect for your livelihood, get a cat: as long your secret recipe isn’t written on a mouse, a bird, or a laser pointer, your secret will be safe and secure with a kitty!