Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Publishers Clearing House Gilligan’s Island Ad

This ad plays out very much like an episode of Gilligan’s Island, doesn’t it? The Publishers Clearing House people show up on Gilligan’s Island with a big check, but Gilligan and the other castaways still don’t get rescued. And that’s probably by design. After all, if Publishers Clearing House can give out their award checks to people who are always stranded on some desert island somewhere, the winners will never be able to cash the check, and Publishers Clearing House can claim people are really winning the money, and they’d still be telling the truth, while at the same time never paying out a dime! What a racket! And I’m surprised they let their ad agency let the cat out o the bag about their scam of always sending checks to people who can never collect the winnings. But now we know, so…

Or, hey, maybe this commercial is telling us that only fictional characters will ever win the prize? Could that be the message here?

BTW: This ad is not on YouTube (or anywhere else online) that I can find yet, but here’s an article about it: