Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blue Wilderness Dog Food Wolf Ad

So, um, is this Blue Wilderness’s way of ripping off the Purina One SmartBlend cat food ads from last year? Those ads showed us our cat’s predatory ancestors, and then spouted drivel about cats being born to be cats and such. Oh, but now Blue Wilderness is running an ad so much like that ad, but for dogs, showing a dog morphing into a wolf, claiming they need the protein diet of their wild ancestors, yadda yadda, I immediately assumed it was for a Purina One SmartBlend dog food. Oh, well: I guess Purina doesn’t own every pretentious pet food concept, so no harm, no foul.

Oh, but just like with the Purina ad from last year, it’s clear to me that this new dog food will turn our dogs into wolves so they can hunt and eat us in our own homes (!). Is this some pet food company conspiracy to get us eaten by our pets? Will some fish food company make fish food to turn cute little goldfish into vicious carnivorous piranha-like mutants to strip the flesh off of our bones? I knew it! But actually, if they wanted to do that, they could just make fake food, and eventually our pets would get hungry enough to eat us. And you know, maybe that’s what they’re really up to…

But hey, if they really want to stress the wild wolf side of our doggies, why not make an ad that’s like that movie The Grey, where wolves hunt and eat a bunch of people, but then morph the wolves into dogs, and the snowy wilderness into someone’s yard and house. Then we could see all the neighborhood dogs attacking and eating everyone, and then the slogan could be: “Blue Wilderness: We Tried To Warn You To Feed Your Dogs Blue Wilderness, But You Wouldn’t Listen!” Then they could claim it’s not their fault if your dog eats you in retaliation for not feeding them Blue Wilderness dog food.

Here’s the wolf food ad:

And here’s my previous post from last year about the Purina One SmartBlend cat food that’s so similar to this Blue Wilderness ad: