Sunday, May 5, 2013

Invisible Invaders

I've been house sitting for my sister for the past few days, and their motion detector security light has been going on quite a bit. Well, some may think it's just a tree blowing in the wind or a cat or something, but I know the truth: it's the Invisible Invaders! Someone in the 1950s tried to warn us of this coming invasion from outer space with a movie of the same title: Invisible Invaders. But did we listen? No! Everyone just made fun of the movie for being so incompetently made. But since it was made by people who only wanted to warn us of the truth, and who had never made a movie before, how could we expect it to be good? And just because it was a bad movie, we ignored it. And now Earth is doomed because we did not heed their warning!

Yes, they come at night, tripping our motion sensors, and while we're busy trying to figure out what tripped the sensor, they strike and conquer the world! You know it's true! So quick: rent all the bad movie you can find and look for clues of how we can defeat the coming invasion from outer space! (If we're lucky, we'll just need some strong meathead guy to punch an alien commander to end the horror, like in Plan 9 from Outer Space.)