Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Longest Word in English: Antiestablishmentarianism?

Piers Morgan claimed tonight that the longest word in the English language is: Antiestablishmentarianism. But it’s clearly not the longest word, which is, obviously: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. And he ought to know that word, being a Brit. (Wasn’t Mary Poppins his nanny?)

(By the way, I know I’m right, because Microsoft Word says supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is spelled right, but it does not recognize antiestablishmentarianism, which according to Microsoft, is clearly a made-up word. {Maybe they didn’t want anyone to know about that word, so nobody would become antiestablishmentarianistic [which is, by the way, itself longer than antiestablishmentarianism, by two letters], and Microsoft could conquer the world? And hey, come to think of it, Mary Poppins must be aiding and abetting them in this cause, because she obviously tried to distract from the word antiestablishmentarianism, the longest word in the English language, by creating an even longer word! [A-ha! I knew it!]})