Monday, November 5, 2012

American Crossroads Blue State Strategy?

I was watching the football game, and I saw a Super PAC ad from American Crossroads. Well, I live in Los Angeles, and California is a very blue state, so it made me wonder why they were wasting their money running one of their ads here. I mean, maybe the message could get some traction, but once they say the stuff about “American Crossroads is responsible for the content of this advertising”, everyone would recognize that this is Karl Rove’s Super PAC, and they’d not only stop listening, they might just want to do the opposite. So I was thinking, maybe they ought to use reverse psychology in blue states. Here’s how it might work:

The ad could open with an announcement: “Karl Rove’s American Crossroads is responsible for this advertisement.” Then Karl could appear as a talking head, and say he wants them to do exactly the opposite of what he wants. Well, that might blind blue state voters with just enough rage and hatred to trick them into doing whatever he wanted. And then he could retreat back up to Castle Roveula and laugh himself to sleep in his ballot box coffin, content with his trickery.