Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rising Sea Levels?

I keep hearing experts on the news saying that rising sea levels have made storms more severe, etc. But is this really true? Because what else do we keep hearing about? That’s right: the obesity epidemic! We keep getting fatter and heavier, so couldn’t it be possible that rather than the seas rising, our fat bodies are simply making the landmasses sink from all the excess weight? I mean, that water level is rising, but maybe they’re measuring the wrong factor here! And if this is the case, and we’re making our country sink into the ocean, couldn’t it be the case that once, long ago, the legendary civilization of Atlantis sank into the sea due to an ancient obesity epidemic, where endless buffets and Baconators plunged their advanced civilization into an ocean of overindulgence? This could be what’s happening right now to us! (Hey, you never know! This is the problem with agenda science: they never want to find the truth! It’s probably because they’re always funded by Big Hamburger and Grande Mocchiato.)