I’m sorry, but I just have to make fun of this. The movie Boogie Nights was on some cable channel again tonight, and it reminded me of how all the school kids during the Disco era used to make fun of songs with the word “boogie” in them, and say “booger” instead. So anyway, when I said “Booger Nights”, I couldn’t help but think of Alka Selzer Plus Cold and NyQuil, and what a fun, silly ad this idea would make for a NyQuil attack ad by Alka Seltzer. (Not that they’d ever want to use it.) Because the current campaign of Alka Seltzer Plus Cold points out that there is no decongestant in NyQuil. And they could use that as an excuse to say that if you use NyQuil, you will have “Booger Nights”.
So the idea is that a character from the movie Boogie Nights, or someone from the 1970s Disco era, have friends who want to go party, but they have a bad cold, and so they’re constantly blowing their nose, sneezing, etc., despite taking NyQuil. So their friends say they’re going to go out for a boogie night, but so their sick friend does not have a booger night, they give him/her Alka Seltzer Plus Cold, so they can rest and feel better. So the next night, the sickie is all better and ready to party and go boogie; unfortunately, all their friends caught the cold, so now they need the Alka Seltzer Plus Cold to prevent further booger nights for themselves.
Here is an example of the current Alka Seltzer Plus Cold ads: