Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dance Central 3 Ad

This dancing video game commercial begins with a police officer at a traffic stop challenging people to a dance-off. Well, some people might fall for this, but most urban dwellers like myself know this ruse pretty well. They make a dance move, and when we move our arms around, they pretend we were reaching for a gun and shoot us. Then they use the video to prove we made quick, wild, reaching motions with our arms, and they get away Scot free! It works every time. Don’t fall for it! (In fact, there probably isn’t even a real dance video game called Dance Central 3: it’s probably just a fake game the cops use to entrap us into looking like we’re resisting arrest!)

Here’s the cunning cop commercial:

(BTW: This is just a joke. But this is the first thing that came into my mind when I saw this ad for the very first time.)