Saturday, November 17, 2012

Geico Antelopes with Night Vision Goggles Ad

Okay, so here we have another one of these annoying Geico ads, this time with a couple of snarky antelopes wearing night vision goggles making fun of a male lion trying to hunt them. You see, with their night vision goggles, they can see him stalking them, so I guess they're suggesting they could run away or something? It's just such a tragic waste of life that they don't understand that in the wild, female lions hunt for most of the food, and they do it in teams. So this male lion was just trying to attract their attention so his girlfriends could sneak up and kill these jerky antelopes. Ha ha, joke's on them! Of course, we don't get to see that part of it in this ad, because it's just another stupid ad for Geico, and apparently the creative team for this ad has never seen a nature documentary about lions before.

I wish that lion would just attack those unfunny comedian guys with their guitar and mandolin on that lame little portable stage instead, since they're the ones who gave the antelopes night vision goggles, necessitating this whole distraction strategy to begin with. So the lion was able to just chill at home and watch TV before, but these jerks made hunting harder, so now he has to work too as a demeaning decoy duck. Plus, he's seen these annoying Geico ads before, so he should want to kill and eat them anyway even without this night vision goggles thing. (And he'd be doing us all a favor! Although it wouldn't be long before there was yet another, probably even worse, Geico ad campaign, just to punish us.)

Here's the wildly annoying ad: