Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama Revenge Voting (Joke/Proposed) Ad

Recently President Obama said, at a campaign rally, “Voting is the best revenge.” Now, I know what he meant, but still, the Romney ad people made an ad out of it, saying we should not vote for revenge, but for love of country. But I have a fun idea that could make a good advertising retort to this Romney ad, and President Obama is supported by enough Hollywood people to get it made if he wanted to.

So it would go like this: Many characters from many revenge movies would be shown in pivotal fight scenes, like The Bride from Kill Bill fighting that gang in the Japanese tea house, or Vito Corleone getting revenge against his parents’ killers in The Godfather, Part II, or Bruce Lee fighting in Enter the Dragon; but at the end of each revenge, we see the character then walk into a voting booth, and they cast their vote with their revenge weapon, like The Bride with her Samurai sword stabbing the Obama box, or Vito Corleone, stabbing it with a big knife, or Bruce Lee voting with his fist, etc. And each time one of them casts a vote, we hear President Obama’s quote: “Voting is the best revenge!”

I’ll bet it would be a very powerful ad, especially if, in between each scene, we see policy facts that Democrats care about, like a woman’s right to choose, equal pay, immigration reform, healthcare reform, etc. And it would be fun and funny, which is more than I can say for any political ad I’ve seen in months.