Sunday, November 25, 2012

Folgers Brother & Sister Christmas Ad

Well, you know it's the Christmas season when you see an ad like this one. Yes, it's the Folger's Christmas commercial! This spot has a young man returning home from West Africa (I'm guessing Peace Corps? Or maybe a soldier of fortune?), and after he gets out of the cab, his sister meets him at the door. He gives her a present, and she takes the ribbon bow off the box and sticks it on him, saying: "You're my present this year." And then the parents wake up upstairs and come down to meet their son.

Well, if this ad doesn't give you a lump in your throat, you probably have no neck. But even so, there are some little issues I have with it. (I know: Ad Scrooge! Mwa ha ha! {I can feel the rattling chains now as I type this...}) Like, for instance, the parents wake up to find their son they haven't seen for a long time, and yet the jingle says: "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup." So, are they suggesting these parents don't like their son very much, and they'd actually prefer a cup of instant coffee to seeing him after a long period? (Maybe they're caffeine addicts who get awful headaches without their coffee, or who are grouches without it.) Or are they actually having the arrogance to suggest that a cup of Folgers coffee is better than seeing a loved one again for the first time in a long time? The nerve!

Okay, then there's another issue here: The son says he's come from West Africa, and then he leans into the coffee maker, sniffs it and says: "Aah! Real coffee!" So, are we to infer that he is insulting Africa's coffee? What a jerk! They ought to revoke his passport! (Okay, I will admit the African coffee is produced in East Africa, but still: Africa makes some great coffee! Or was he talking about the plane trip? Because if he's insulting the airline coffee on television, maybe some flight attendant might recognize him on his return trip to Africa and spill some scalding coffee in his lap on the plane just out of spite!)

But all jokes aside, it's a nice, warm spot that hits you right in your heart. Nice.

Here's the Christmas coffee commercial: