Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dee Snider (Joke) Shampoo Ad

Hey, we all know Dee Snider, right? He’s the singer from Twisted Sister who made Congress look like a bunch of idiots during the whole censorship thing in the ‘90s. (Oh, that was truly priceless!) But wouldn’t it be fun to see him in a shampoo ad with all the mounds of yarn-like blonde hair he’s got spewing forth from his cranium?

Se here’s how this ad might work: Dee Snider could say he used to be a Twisted Sister because he kept getting split ends in his over-permed hair, but ever since he found (whatever brand of shampoo), he’s just a nice normal guy. And so will it tame the savage beast in you, too, when you use (whatever brand of) shampoo! (And they could show him morphing from his Twisted Sister makeup into normal Dee Snider once he uses the new shampoo, showing it cure him of his twisted rage.)

And the whole band could join him for playing “We’re Not Going to Take It”, and sing it about how they’re not going to put up with split ends anymore, and that’s why they’re using this new shampoo. And they could sing: “We’re not going to take it, we don’t want our hair ends split, we’re not going to take it anymore!”