Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Baby Bullet

I just saw an ad on TV for a product called the “Baby Bullet”. Okay, first off, I think they might want to reconsider that name. I’ll admit that it’s an attention-getter, but for all the wrong reasons. It sounds like it’s either a spree-killer starter kit from some sort of ill-advised co-branding from Playskool and the NRA, or a type of ammunition specifically designed for shooting infants with: either way, it definitely sounds like a bad idea. This was the first time this ad had ever run on my television set while the sound was on, and when I heard the name “Baby Bullet”, I definitely turned around to look at the screen; but it was really just because I couldn’t believe that there was a product called the “Baby Bullet”, and I wanted to see what it was so I could be sure not to buy it. What I saw was the usual “not sold in stores” (because nobody would buy it) kind of infomercial-y ad for a little system (of a blender and jars with smiley-faces on them) to make and store your own homemade organic baby food with. Um, I don’t wish to reveal any trade secrets or anything here, but couldn’t you just use the blender you already own for that and then just store what you make in Tupperware or Mason jars? (Or is that cheating? I don’t actually have any children of my own, so I don’t know about these things.) I mean, I understand that your blender and stuff probably don’t have smiley-faces on them or anything, but you could just draw them on yourself with magic markers, couldn’t you? And then think of the money you’d save!