Friday, April 22, 2011

Wild Weather

(The Unconditioned Response Earth Day 2011 Spectacular!)

For the past few years, people like Al Gore have gone on about how global warming is the cause of the crazy, turbulent weather we’ve been seeing lately. I think I have an alternate solution, however. I saw a report on cable news where an anchor lady said: “another example of Mother Nature rearing her ugly head”. Did you catch that? She was insulting Mother Nature! No wonder she’s mad! Remember how mad she got when she was fooled into thinking Chiffon margarine was butter?* Well, that’s nothing compared to what this is going to do! (It’s the same kind of reaction, though.)

And the news woman said it’s just “another example” of this, so obviously she and others have been saying Mother Nature has an ugly head lots and lots. Well, that’s going to get her angry, if you ask me, and how do you think she’s going to respond? Naturally (she is Mother Nature, after all), she’s going to attack us with lots of bad weather. I say let’s fire those news people who call her ugly first. It’s got to be easier than trying to stop global warming, right? And if it doesn’t work, we can always hire them back later and try something else. Hey, it couldn’t hurt, right?

* Want to see that Mother Nature margarine ad? (Who knows, maybe she never got her royalty checks for the ad, and that’s why she’s mad. “It’s not nice to stiff Mother Nature!”) It’s at: