Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where's Pat Robertson?

Hey! Usually whenever there is a natural disaster anywhere, we can all rely on Pat Robertson to pop up and claim that it’s God’s punishment for something like tolerating homosexuality or feminism or whatever. I think this is God’s way of giving us something to laugh at and thus lift our collective spirits. But when I saw this news story today about a young newlywed couple who brought their baby with them on their honeymoon and accidentally found themselves smack dab in the middle of six (count ‘em, six!) major natural disasters that they barely escaped from alive, one after the other, bouncing around different cities in the world while following the “Wrath of God” tour, I had to wonder: “Where is Pat Robertson on this one?” If there’s ever been an opportunity to blame something on having a child out of wedlock (I mean, sure, they got married immediately afterwards, but certainly God sees through that ruse! And Pat could still say they were fornicators, right?), then surely this is his big chance! I mean, six major natural disasters in one honeymoon! How can he remain silent on this one? Sure, everyone jumps on him and vehemently rejects his claims as horribly inappropriate, insensitive and offensive whenever he makes one of these statements blaming natural disasters on people’s behavior. But even if he had been put in prison for it last time, how could he possibly resist this one? I would think that for Pat Robertson, this would look like a clear sign from God to stand up and start pointing fingers again. And with all these disasters, wars and economic collapses, we’ve hardly had a moment of relief. Isn't it Pat Robertson’s responsibility to stick his head up and lay one of these doozies on us once more to make us all roll around on the floor with laughter again? He is remiss in his duties; that’s all I’m saying.

The article about this couple’s experiences is at the following link, and it’s crazy! (You know, I’ll bet for their friends and family, for once, seeing someone’s vacation slides won’t seem like a punishment. And wouldn’t their honeymoon story make the best ironic romantic black comedy movie? The one upside here for them is if their relationship could survive that ordeal, the rest will probably be a cake-walk. Then again, you never know; maybe they need the constant distraction of disasters and tragedy to keep from bickering endlessly, and without it they may drift apart. Who can say?):