Friday, April 22, 2011

What were they thinking?

Hee hee! It’s just so funny to judge other people for their looks while we bully others for doing the same thing! Right? I mean, look:

Yes, this is a regular feature if you’re dumb enough to interface through Yahoo! anymore. They like to make fun of celebrities when they think they dress funny. How is this different from bullying kids at school? Everyone knows that celebrities are notoriously thin-skinned, so it’s definitely mean. And I have to ask: is this fueled by jealousy, perhaps? It seems like this is a way for nerds and geeks to get back at the celebrities they wish they were by trying to diss them for what they wear, when we all know that it looks better than we all look most of the time, regardless of what we wear (including our “Sunday best”!).

Do you know what the worst thing I can say about anything that these jerks rag on all the time is? It’s that it looks like something somebody might have to wear in a crappy movie! And who are we talking about here? They’re all famous actors & actresses (especially actresses!) right? They have to wear that kind of crap in movies all the time, probably even to the extent that they think it looks normal to be wearing it all the time out in the real world. Well, guess what? If it looks so bad, why are you chasing her around with a camera anyway? She looks great, and you know it! So fuck off, you jealous losers! You’re just mad that you were too much of wimps to pick on people in high school without getting beaten up!

(I know this may seem like a hypocritical thing to espouse after trashing Kid Rock in my last post. But I was just roasting Kid Rock, and I fully expect him to beat me up, too, if he ever reads it. I’m not that hard to find, and I’m not hiding behind a big corporation like Yahoo!. {It’s weird to type a ! and . together and know it’s right, somehow.} So as long as he doesn’t mind these nerds snapping pictures and ripping him for looking bad in what he wears while punching me in the face, he can get his revenge. As long as he first digs two graves… {See my earlier post on “Revenge” if you don’t get that reference.})