Sunday, October 21, 2012

“Big Tex” Commits Suicide by Self-Immolation

This week a well-loved Texan committed suicide by self-immolation purportedly due to what he considered to be the oppressive socialist government of Barack Obama. It seems “Big Tex” was worried that Obama will try to take his guns soon, and with concerns that President Obama might be re-elected, he just couldn’t take it anymore. So in an act of public protest, “Big Tex” took his own life by setting himself on fire, in the hopes of touching off a “Texan Spring”, like that Arab Spring, which was begun by a Tunisian man’s self-immolation. The only problem is that it’s actually Fall right now, and the Texan authorities so feared this might cause the “Fall of Texas” instead, they covered up the whole affair and claimed it was an accidental fire caused by electrical wiring. But they can’t fool me!

Here’s the sad story: