Monday, October 22, 2012

Who Won the Final Debate (And Why)?

No, really: I’m asking. I can’t even listen to these two anymore. I stopped paying attention right about where they started talking this time. But I really stopped listening when they started interrupting each other constantly. Oh, and when they started lying and misleading up a storm, like they both do so much of. (Maybe that’s what they’re counting on?) What a couple of jerks! Is this the best we can do? Really? Oh well: maybe America really is in decline, with choices like these for leaders. (Actually, I think the real problem is the political advisors. They both seem like good men to me, but they act like such jackasses when they're campaigning. And I doubt they would do that unless some professional campaign person told them to act like that. Of course, I could be wrong, and maybe they really are both jerks.)

Here is evidence that they were both factually-challenged in the last debate (and even this fact check is a bit factually-challenged at times!):