Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Crest Whitestrips Moby Dick (Joke) Ad

This (joke) ad for Crest Whitestrips would play out like a prequel to the novel/movie Moby Dick, showing us what happened to set up the story initially. So the situation is that Captain Ahab is a ship captain delivering a shipment of Crest Whitestrips to New England, when they hit rough seas, and a crate of the stuff falls overboard into the ocean. Well, the next day, they see a white whale spouting at the surface (made white by the Crest Whitestrips), and intrigued, Captain Ahab wants to see if the whale's teeth are ultra white too. Well, Ahab uses some live bait to try to attract the whale, the ship hits a rough patch of sea, he gets too close to the white whale (whose teeth are so bright white, they blind him), he slips, and the whale bites his leg off by mistake. (Oops!) But even so, its teeth are gleaming white! Then the announcer says: "Get a whale of a smile that's killer white! Get Crest Whitestrips!"

And then the next ad could be about Jaws, where the great white shark is revealed to be called a "great white" shark because it has such white teeth from using Crest Whitestrips, and Richard Dreyfus's shark expert marine biologist could confirm this fact, right before someone gets eaten by the shark. And Richard Dreyfus's character could get into the shark cage to show us how white the shark's teeth are, and to point out that the shark's body is actually mostly blue-gray, so it must be the teeth that gave it its name. Then the announcer says: "Get great white teeth with Crest Whitestrips!" And perhaps as a tag, the ad could use that shot of the grinning shark from Finding Nemo.