Sunday, October 21, 2012


If you’re a Democrat who steals a comedy bit from a Republican who is campaigning for Mitt Romney (Jeff Foxworthy’s signature “You might be a red neck” bit), and you use it to campaign for President Obama, you might have Romnesia. Oh, whoops: that’s President Obama who did that. And that’s actually closer to plagiarism, isn’t it? Never mind.

But the term “Romnesia”, as applied to Mitt Romney’s continual revisionist history on positions, is pretty funny. It’s just kind of shameless to then use that in a ripped-off comedy bit from Jeff Foxworthy, who is actively campaigning for Romney himself. And seeing as how Democrats always love to laugh out loud when musicians ask Republican campaigns to stop using their music, it’s particularly hypocritical to use a rip-off of Foxworthy’s signature bit in the Obama campaign, and even more so for President Obama to do it himself personally. Because they know ahead of time that Foxworthy would probably not approve, and as such, it’s especially disagreeable. “Romnesia” is brilliant. Can’t they figure out a way to use that without ripping-off someone else’s work? It’s easy, really: just leave out the “You might have Romnesia” bit; it’s completely unnecessary anyway.

For the Romnesia idea, a fun ad could be of some actor who is made up to look like Mitt Romney to wake up in a hospital with no memory, and to hear his thoughts spoken as a voiceover, saying things like: “Who am I? I… I can’t remember. What… What do I stand for?” Then we see a newspaper headline, like from a 1930s movie, saying: “Presidential Candidate Disappears!” Then we cut back to the hospital, and Mitt Romney is being questioned by the psychiatrists there. And as doctors ask him questions about his positions to try to figure out who he is, his constantly changing answer confuse and confound them again and again, until one of the doctors says: “Eureka! I know who you are! You must be Mitt Romney! You keep changing your positions on everything!”