Saturday, October 20, 2012

Empire Carpet Star Wars (Joke) Ads

There’s a company called Empire Carpet (known to some as Empire Today) here in California, and seeing as how they’ve been around since the 1950s, it’s pretty clear that George Lucas ripped off their name for the evil governmental system in Star Wars (I’m joking, I hope you realize). So seeing as how nobody could possibly deny that this company is the inspiration for the Star Wars movies, shouldn’t they have the right to use Star Wars characters in their advertising? I mean, after all, if your company is called Empire, shouldn’t you be required by law to use Star Wars characters in your advertising? It just makes sense!

So, to use Star Wars characters for the Empire Carpets ads would make them instantly memorable and fun, and it would be easy too! Here are just a couple of possibilities:

Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi are trying to sneak through the storm trooper roadblock, but they need money for their flight on the Millennium Falcon, so Obi Wan uses the Jedi mind trick to get them to buy some Persian rugs that they have with them in the speeder (I know, I know: just go with it.), saying: “These are the rugs you’re looking for!” And then the announcer says: “And at Empire, we’ve got the rugs you’re looking for, too!”

The Evil Emperor, Darth Sidious, arrives to take a look at the completed Death Star for the first time, accompanied by Darth Vader. He gets out of the space ship and walks through a series of hallways, and he says: “You know what would make this place feel more homey, Darth? Some nice flooring and carpeting! And I have just the place: Empire Carpets! In fact, why don’t we call our government the Empire? Doesn’t that sound magisterial, yet fearsome?” (Then we hear the Darth Vader theme music as they read out their phone number, etc.) Then they say: “Empire Carpets: May the floors be with you!”

Darth Vader arrives at Cloud City, and he faces Luke Skywalker, showing him some dark-colored carpeting, and telling him: “Luke: I; I have your carpets!” And when Luke objects, Darth Vader tells him: “If you only knew the palette of the dark side!” Then the announcer says: “Empire Carpets: The floors are strong with us!”

This is Empire Carpets (a.k.a. Empire Today):